Best weather app Ive got! Love the way you can add locations to track weather around the country. Great for keeping an eye on vacation weather or weather near my far flung family.
Best weather app Ive got! Love the way you can add locations to track weather around the country. Great for keeping an eye on vacation weather or weather near my far flung family.
I really like this App, the Future model for Radar is really helpful!
THE GOOD: loads quickly and it is easy to find your way around it. It has some good interactivity features. You can switch maps or layer them to show cloud cover, temperatures and even driving conditions. The forecasts so far are pretty accurate. You can also change the forecast setting to use your location instead of the default Baton Rouge location. THE BAD: the map seems to only show 20 minutes worth of activity (in five steps) so unless the storm is moving very quickly, you dont really get a sense of its motion. The only other problem Ive seen is aesthetics. It is a bit ugly, but not much different than your average tv station graphics. The interface is pretty crowded because it is ad supported, but its free so not much to complain about there. Overall, the app works great. I just wish the map was more useful (maybe 15-minute increments instead of five-minutes) and the graphics were a little better.
Seems to be a really good app. Thanks wafb
For a local weather app, Im impressed. Works well, like the interface. But agree with the other reviewer...longer time increments would be cool.
Love it and u will too. Try it!! Its free u cant lose
Its good and all but it wont stop crashing! It wont even load where my city is. Needs improvement
I love this app, I would really love push notifications for severe weather or even daily weather.
Fantastic weather map! Loads fast. Had been using national weather maps, this one is better and pops right to BR.
Will not stop crashing!
Use it everyday.
I really love this app! I like knowing what the weather is like at all times and this app does it all... EXCEPT there is no videos posted on the weekend for the weather... Doesnt matter how severe the wether is this app doesnt show any news coverage... I love the app and it would be perfect if there was video coverage on the weekend...
There isnt another app that even comes close to this one!! I used to live in the WAFBs area, but moved recently after 35 years, this still give me the info about my familys weather, but also keeps me informed of my local weather over 200 miles away!! I love WAFB, news and weather. Ill definately will be a fan for years to come!! Thank you everyone at WAFB!
Excellent app for severe storm warnings. We used it exclusively on Christmas Day 2012 while we were in Louisiana. During that time, a tornado formed over us as it moved east. I can not say enough good things about this app.
Love this app & use it daily! After iOS 7 update, it crashes when playing future radar (does fine with past). So far, its the only bug Ive noticed after update. Also (not a bug, but its on my wish list), would love to have access to the most recently aired weather video clips. Seems theyre not updated very frequently/timely. A few tweaks & it would be perfect. Thanks for the quality product & I look forward to updates!
The temperature, highs vs lows, are very wrong A LOT!
I use on the lake or out of state for beach
This app works perfectly!!!
5 stars. Need I say more
Fancy! Very smooth sexy look.