THE GOOD: loads quickly and it is easy to find your way around it. It has some good interactivity features. You can switch maps or layer them to show cloud cover, temperatures and even driving conditions. The forecasts so far are pretty accurate. You can also change the forecast setting to use your location instead of the default Baton Rouge location.
THE BAD: the map seems to only show 20 minutes worth of activity (in five steps) so unless the storm is moving very quickly, you dont really get a sense of its motion. The only other problem Ive seen is aesthetics. It is a bit ugly, but not much different than your average tv station graphics. The interface is pretty crowded because it is ad supported, but its free so not much to complain about there.
Overall, the app works great. I just wish the map was more useful (maybe 15-minute increments instead of five-minutes) and the graphics were a little better.
Casey Muller about WAFB First Alert Weather